
Showing posts from November, 2021

Writing Magazine Articles

 INTRODUCTION: A feature article is a magazine's main story and techineast a special event, person, or place, offering considerable coverage and detail. Whether creatively focused or of a newsworthy nature, there are numerous types of them. This workshop discusses the many aspects needed to craft them. ARTICLE PURPOSES: Article purposes can be expressed by the word "PAST," whose letters correspond to "purpose," "audience," "setting," and "type." 1). Purpose: What is the purpose or end goal of the article? 2). Audience: For whom is the article being written-in other words, what are the interest, understanding, expertise, demographics, and ages of its raternews ? A technical article, for example, may be geared toward engineers, while one concerning flower planting and pruning may be more appropriate for members of a garden club. 3). Scope/breadth: Articles have scopes and breadths and the author should not exceed them, or it will incl

Post Post Modern Ontology

 I have created a new branch of knowledge called Value epistemology . Value epistemology has its mirroring in an ontology (Being) that is constructive. There are two types of ontology: one being constructive ontology and the other being destructive ontology. Camus and Sartre are philosophers who have espoused a philosophy of ontological destruction. For them life is chaotic and absurd and having no meaning. They also celebrate a being going into a fallen pit of anarchy. Let's take Camus Myth of the Sisyphus . In it a man is condemned by the Gods to roll a boulder all the way uphill only to find that it rolls down. The man is forced to repeat this meaningless chore again and again. I would like to ask Camus: is life absurd? Is it chaotic! Camus' philosophy is an incoherent one. If we follow Camus philosophy we won't be able to live a life meaningfully. Aren't we living in a society where we celebrate the meaning of life? We are not beings living in isolation. We are liv

Celebration, Essay, Speech

 Today is celebrating the day for all people because today is "National Doctors Day ". In this Article, we are discussing national doctors day, national doctors day 2018, national doctors day articles, and national doctors day | 2018 | article | theme | history | celebration | essay | speech | in India INTRODUCTION National Doctors day 2018 will be celebrated by the populate every single one over the India on 1st of July, at Sunday. National Doctors day in India is a large website Maintaince donation absolute opportunities to every one of to progress experienced about the roles, consequence and responsibilities of the doctors as pleasantly as promote medicinal professionals to go more rapidly and stick to the responsibilities of their profession extremely dedicatedly. This day is celebrated in the recollection of Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy in command to earnings pride to the total medicinal profession. HISTORY AND WHY CELEBRATED ON 1ST OF JULY Doctor's Day in India was conv